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Easy Autism Support
Easy GFCF for Kids
Easy Herbs for Kids and Family
Spanish Social Stories


The following links connect to folks who have helped us in our Special Needs Journey. We are very grateful for them and their help and we highly recommend them:

Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis
My parent have been an amazing help with advice and information on health issues for my whole family. They are both trained as Naturopathic Physicians and I have compiled a lot of the information they have given me to the herbal support web site, EasyHerbsForKidsAndFamily.com. They are a wonderful resource and I encourage you to reach out to them if you need more help on your specific journey.

Nature's Sunshine Products
These great products are the best natural supplements you can get. If you are interested in using an herbal program, I highly recommend Nature's Sunshine for quality, education, cost effective products and great customer service. I have links to products we use fromt this company at EasyHerbsForKidsAndFamily.com

Eloheim and Veronica Torres
When working with a non verbal child, it helps to be open to psychic and even magical assistance. Veronica channels Eloheim - I was lucky enough to meet them live in my community. Working with Veronica changed the way I looked at my relationship with my child and it really marked the beginning of the healing process for me, as before talking to her, I was very stuck in grief and despair.

Jeanette Wolf, ND
This wonderful woman is magical, in my opinion. Her psychic abilities, wonderful treatments and supports along with her years of experience with autism and special needs helped to get us through spinal fusion surgery comfortably and sanely. I love to connect with her on Facebook.

The Care and Keeping of Me / Guy Stuff Books
The American Girl coming of age books (for boys or girls) are the best for gently introducing kids to their changin bodies. If your child reads, you can just put it down next to them - their natural curiosity will lead them. If your child does not yet read, you can look at the pictures or look for issues that your child is dealing with. It is wonderful when my girl realizes that what I am trying to show her is useful and she engages a bit more.

Home Medical Test Kits
We've had a very difficult time getting Iris to doctors - and when we did get her there, the doctors very often had a difficult time handling us - so I have found these home medical tests to be very helpful. Non-invasive tests that I can perform at home to monitor my child's health was a real blessing.

This is an amazing audio program, created by Jean Genet - a neurosurgeon, who was himself a vaccine injured child - has done wonders for my family. Learn more about this easy to administer program and this amazing man.

Silent Miaow
I found these videos on YouTube and I was really impressed to see this severely autistic woman deliver thoughtful and thought provoking monologues on a type-to-speech machine. She forever changed the way I look at autism and people dealing with physical challenges across the board.

Notes from the Universe
Mike Dooley is a great guy and helps me stay positive on this difficult journey. I loved to focus on the positive with his daily Notes from the Universe. They should be called Love Notes - I think he still does them. My sister still connects with him on Facebook.

Compass Tool
It can be very difficult to find out what some children need, nutritionally, to function optimally. This Compass Tool can be very helpful in measuring what herbal supplements will benefit a person most, simply by having that person hold their hand on the comfortable mouse-like measuring device - and since it can be done with surrogate testing, you don't have to rely upon a child to sit still for too long. I tried this and was amazed by the testing and would recommend it to anyone looking for information from a non-verbal child. Please contact the Compass people for more information on using this tool.

In my life as an autism mom, I have found a variety of tools and information that made the journey easier and in some cases, just possible. As a graphic designer, desktop publisher and web developer I had the skills to put them all together into a comprehensive suite of bililngual web sites, designed to make the journey a little easier for parents, teachers, kids and families.

Trying to make suporting autism easier. Learn more about ABLE accounts, IHSS and anything else I could think of. Tips, tricks and information that don't fit into my other web sites are housed here. If I can get a blog going, it will probably be here. We also started a Facebook page for this site - please feel free to contact me that way.

There are so many reports of success with autism and the GFCF Diet that I wanted to try it with my Iris. After being off dairy for 6 months - and doing quite well - we decided it was time to remove the wheat and glutein from her diet as well. I have compiled my efforts here - including instructions from nutritionists, recipes and product recommendations.

Join the conversation by visiting us on Facebook - add your recipes and tips or see what others are doing. I also share every fun GFCF recipe and product I find on our Facebook page - it is amazing how far our communities have come in offering this kind of food, since I started this site 12 years ago.

As the daughter of Naturopathic Physicians, I get a lot of herbal and natural health information that has worked wonders for my family. I thought it would be great to share this information with other families, so I have compiled my efforts here - including links for product recommendations and suppliers. I installed Google Translate, so the information should be accessible to everyone. I also share a lot of natural health info on our Facebook page and I would love to connect with you there.

We live in a bilingual community in the California Bay area and it has inspired me to translate Easy Social Stories into Spanish - particularly the Medical Preparation stories seemed important for everyone in our special needs community to be able to access. With the help of my youngest daughter's dear bilingual friend, Pilar Cerna, we have been able to begin translating our entire catalog into Spanish language stories. Connect with us on Facebook to learn when new titles are available.

I created this site to help special needs families learn more about cannabis, now that new laws make this wonderful, natural modality available to so many. My goal is to help families navigate the options and the process of find the right solutions for their health issues.

My Zazzle Store - CherryTops Autism Awareness Pins, Shirt, Bumper Stickers, etc.
I started this site because too many of the autism awareness stuff I saw was sort of rude and I thought we could do better. Zazzle is set up to do business marketing merchandise - like custom t-shirts, magnets, pins, etc. - and it allows you to create custom products with anything you want, and then make them available to the general public. My store is full of Autism Awareness items, like:

Including but not limited to:

- Face Masks (with infinity or puzzle symbol)
- Lapel Pins
- Hats
- Shirts
- Tote Bags
- Bumper Stickers
- Air Freshener
(to let emergency responders know that our girl might not respond to help predictably)

My favorite thing here is to make holiday themed shirts with autism awareness messages, so that when we go to a holiday event, my girl can participate by dressing the part (hats and stuff don't work for her, but a shirt she can do) and we get less stares and crankiness when the question of "what is up with her?" is answered before it is even asked. You can also make your own items zazzle.com

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